GLSF Swap Meet and Vendor Night

Hi Everyone, This is a quick reminder that this coming Tuesday, April 9th, will be our Swap Meet at 4 pm and Vendor Night at 6 pm. This event will be held out our regular meeting location. It is free and open to the public and guests. You must be a member to display any…

Awards Banquet Saturday, March 23rd!

The GLSF Awards Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, March 23rd. You need to have reservations and pre-payment in to Dick Hanson by Wednesday, March 20th if you want to attend. I hope to see you at Meyer’s Banquet Hall on the 23rd!

Annual GLSF Auction Saturday, March 2nd!

Saturday, March 2nd, the Milwaukee GLSF Club will host their Annual Charity Auction. Doors open at 9am and the auction starts at 10am. American Serb Hall, 5101W Oklahoma Ave, Milwaukee. Tons of fishing gear, some hunting and other outdoor gear along with local business donations. Raffles throughout the day and a scrumptious bake sale. We’d…

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All

Our club’s Christmas dinner is over. Our chairmen are working on our next projects, our Auction, our Annual Raffle and our upcoming Youth Fishing Clinics. It’s time to reflect on all of our blessings, including our great fishing right here in Milwaukee, WI. May everyone have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our…

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

On this Thanksgiving Day, let’s all take a moment to thank The Lord for our awesome fishery here in Lake Michigan! We are blessed and fortunate when compared to other people and areas of our world! Amen

Net Pen Awaits Brown Trout Planting

A net pen was assembled today and placed into the water at the end of the pier at the Milwaukee Sailing Center. On Wednesday afternoon, 20,000 Brown Trout will be placed into it by the WI DNR. They will be released under darkness on Thursday evening. On Saturday morning, at 9am, we will need help…

New Service – Buoy Texting from NOAA

Wow, if you have a cell phone and accept txt messages, you can get up to the minute Lake Michigan conditions returned right to your cell phone. You need to know the buoy locations and you can find them at this web address:…ons_080812.pdf Next you’ll need an explanation on how to use it and you’ll…